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Gilroy Disc Golf Course Development Updates

Let's Throw Some Plastic in Gilroy!

For disc golfers, by disc golfers.

Hey fellow disc golfers! I love disc golf and I love to help people play better and bring this incredible sport to as many people as I can.

I especially want to see this impact in my community and spread from here...

So, I made it a goal to develop and introduce Gilroy's very first and only (so far) community disc golf course!

The primary objective of this project is to provide an affordable and accessible recreational option for individuals and families in Gilroy. The course is designed for all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned disc golf enthusiasts.

I spoke at a city council meeting in Gilroy on September 18, 2023. Here's the recording from that meeting! It was really simple and it took minimal preparations. I am also very proud to say that this inspired others to come to the next city council meeting to speak in support of the course as well. Many others emailed city council members, which you can do here.

ChangeX & AWS InCommunities Grant

Just this week I applied for a $10,000 grant through Change X in coordination with AWS in Communities, a project that injects funds into communities around the country to encourage beneficial ventures. You can join the page and view the official application here.

The more people that we have talking about this project will help us gain momentum and increase the chances of being selected. Thank you!

It's Getting Cold Outside... But We're Heating Up!

Daylight Savings can put quite a frown on a disc golfers face. Sure, the time change means less time to chuck plastic... but we're not putting off this disc golf course!

Our goal is to be throwing our future Christmas gifts (discs, hopefully) into chains by Spring. I think if we can gather the funding for this project ahead of schedule we can actually be playing by Christmas!

You can greatly help this project by sharing and forwarding this email to your friends that you think would think this is cool. Make sure you're signed up for updates so you never miss a thing! See you next time!

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Leslie Carr
Leslie Carr
Nov 07, 2023

Wow, this is so awesome! So glad someone is heading this up; such a great sport that is open to a wide range of players. Very cool!


Beau Thomas Art
Beau Thomas Art
Nov 07, 2023

I really hope Gilroy gets a disc golf course! That would really help!

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